Sustainability statement
Sustainability is one of The Sir Thomas Hotel’s key values. We restore, re-purpose, reduce and recycle, buying local where possible and supporting ethical brands. We work to ensure that we are as effective as possible, delivering a sustainable business to support the community for many years to come, treating every pound as our own. Some of our eco-friendly features are listed below.
Waste and recycling
- We work closely with our waste companies ensuring that 100% of our waste is diverted from landfill. The majority of our waste, on average 70%, is recycled with the remainder being converted into electricity to power homes.
- We separate our food waste. Whilst food is biodegradable in landfill, it produces large amounts of carbon dioxide. Separating it allows our waste provider to put it through the environmentally friendly process of anaerobic digestion which produces biogas to generate renewable energy and biofertiliser which can replace fossil fuel derived fertiliser.
Energy effeciency
- We have installed eco-friendly boilers and water storage tanks
- External, back of house lighting is operated by solar energy
- We have a ‘power-off’ policy in all office and back of house areas
- Our public areas have purposely been designed to be filled with natural light, reducing the amount of artificial lighting required
- We have a renewable energy tariff.
Water effeciency
- Our shower heads and taps are aerated to reduce water consumption
- Where possible, cleaning products are eco-friendly
- Micro-fibre cloths are used throughout to reduce water usage.
Flowers and trees
- We are hotel in the suburbs of Liverpool with a good amount of outdoor space. Wherever possible, trees and planters have been introduced to terraces.
Green team
- Our environmental policy is part of our staff handbook and is included in our staff induction and staff training
- We are developing ‘Green Champions’ for all key departments to help drive our sustainability agenda.
Local community
- We hold recruitment days for local employees and recruit apprentices from local colleges
- We offer work experience for school and college students.